ProgEd 2.4
ProgED is a new programmers editor inspired from two great editors:
CygnusEd and GoldED. In this new editor I have plugged in all I found
useful for a programmer without useless frills. Somebody will found
many features in common with CygnusED and GoldED. I did this choice
to get an editor sufficiently flexibile (like GoldED) and fast and
simple like CygnusED.
Starting from 2.0 release I've added a new preferences system
which allows you to define various "filetypes". This new system allows
you to define different preferences for each type of file managed.
- Programmable keyword colors
- Keyword indentation
- Automatic phrase completion
- Automatic case correction
- Block folding
- Programmable keyboard and menu
- Integrated compiler frontend for SAS/C V6.x
- Programmable quick function search
- Templates for structure creation
- Project management
- Search for static references between files
- Search for dynamic references between project files
- File hunter
- Integreted API (APplication Interface)
- Autosave & Backup
- Auto decrunch of PowerPacker crunched files
- XPK libraries support
- Fast mode for slow processors
- On line macro creation
- Window freeze/unfreeze
- Iconify
- Columnar block marking
- Indentation & block layout
- Multilevel Undo/Redo
- Print texts on two colomns
- Handler to read files in memory
- Handler to read files in project
- Window splitting
- On line help
- File-types management
- Static markers management
- Tool bar
- Recovery utility
Text taken from the original documentation of the package.